13 Signs You Are One of the Rarest People on Earth

There are a lot of bad people in this world, but there is also plenty of good. Some people are unusually good. Have you ever met someone who radiates positive energy and lights up any room they walk into?

man in black coat with grey scarf standing on front of white and yellow painted wall
Rarest People / Photo by Clem Onojeghuo

Those kinds of people are rare, but let’s look at what characteristics they likely have and see if you are one of them!

13. Integrity

One of the greatest compliments you can receive is when someone says you are a person of integrity. Integrity shows morals and how effectively a person can handle hardship and conflict without compromising others’ feelings.

Individuals with integrity do not brag or show off what they have because they are always striving to become better. If anything, they don’t comprehend their true worth. They usually think they aren’t living up to society’s standards.

12. Positivity

Positive people means finding joy in the little things, even when things aren’t going your way. Along the way, positive people enrich the lives of others with their energy. Have you heard of the law of attraction? Basically, the energy you put out into the world will come right back to you.

11. Authenticity

Authentic people do not hide behind a facade or a set of lies. They will not move away from their beliefs, regardless of the consequences. They express themselves in the most genuine way and do not care what others think of them.

10. Honesty

If you feel the need to lie, you don’t believe in the truths that surround you. An honest person knows what life they want, and that life includes being truthful, not deceptive. Being honest strengthens relationships because you’re able to trust that person. The best of people are honest.

9. Trustworthy

Trustworthiness ties into honesty. It is built on the respect you have for yourself and those around you. Sometimes we need to talk about something personal, and having that person in your life that you can trust is life-changing. Trustworthy people do not want to let others down or betray them.

8. Accountability

Accountability is a crucial element in being able to trust someone, as well as yourself. You don’t want to be the person that says one thing and does another. You want people to be able to count on you.

7. Patience

Always blaming others, getting easily aggravated and aggressive are examples of a lack of patience. People with patience wait for whatever obstacle may be in their path to go away without reacting in frustration or anger.

6. Values Time

Being late is a very casual thing for some people. They expect others to adjust to them, which is extremely disrespectful and selfish. Someone who values other’s time will adhere to deadlines, schedules and arranged meetings. They would never think it’s OK to waste anyone’s time.

5. Non-argumentative

Do you know people who always try to pick an argument? They aren’t fun to be around, are they? People express their own issues on others, especially online, where people can hide behind screen names.

The best people can disagree civilly and can easily walk away without having to win. Being non-argumentative is more powerful than any argument ever will be. It shows that you have respect for yourself and others.

4. Forgiving

When someone hurts us, our first impulse is usually to blame them and react with anger. But the rarest and best of people will not give in to this desire and assume the person meant well.

You shouldn’t always expect the very worst of people. However, it is important to remove people from your life who are of no value to you and only bring you down. If you suspect dishonesty or emotional cheating, you should address it and try to work it out depending on the severity of the situation. We all make mistakes.

3. Emotionally Intuitive

Emotional intuition is closely related to empathy. These people are empathetic of others’ emotions, allowing them to be a support system for the people in their lives. They can sense the needs of those around them and will seek to help if at all possible. This is a sign of a truly amazing person.

2. Apologetic

It seems that one of the hardest things to do in this world is to apologize. Pride can push away an apology even though we know it is necessary. To say, “I’m sorry” means that you lose, and many of us don’t want that. But losing and winning only exist in our heads. It’s better to create peace. If this requires apologizing first, then you should do it. Apologetic people see the best in others’.

1. Gives Credit To Others

Doesn’t it feel amazing when you get credit for doing something great at work, and the manager is very deliberate in expressing praise for you and your efforts? Someone who intentionally gives props where they are due and makes sure everyone knows that they are appreciated. Now, that’s a good person.

There’s no need to steal the spotlight from someone else. It’s very easy to let the accolades come to you when you lead the team. Instead, go out of your way to ensure the recognition goes to those who deserve it.

Become the Best Version of Yourself

It sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? Fortunately, these traits can be developed over time. You can work on these attributes and make them a part of who you are, which will benefit yourself and others. Watch how others operate and see if they have these qualities.

Garry L. Hemphill
Garry L. Hemphill

My mission is to help people discover their dreams and take action to make them a reality. I specialize in creating content that motivates, educates, and inspires others to pursue their passions with purpose.

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